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Joel 2:17
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RWEBSTRLet the priests, the ministers of the LORD, weep between the porch and the altar, and let them say, Spare thy people, O LORD, and give not thy heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: why should they say among the people, Where [is] their God?
TBbaiklah para imam, pelayan-pelayan TUHAN, menangis di antara balai depan dan mezbah, dan berkata: "Sayangilah, ya TUHAN, umat-Mu, dan janganlah biarkan milik-Mu sendiri menjadi cela, sehingga bangsa-bangsa menyindir kepada mereka. Mengapa orang berkata di antara bangsa: Di mana Allah mereka?"
BISSuruhlah para imam yang melayani TUHAN, menangis di antara mezbah dan serambi depan, sambil berkata, "Sayangilah umat-Mu, ya TUHAN; jangan biarkan milik-Mu menjadi cela," sehingga bangsa-bangsa lain menyindir dan berkata, "Di mana Allah mereka?"
FAYHPara imam, pelayan-pelayan TUHAN, hendaknya berdiri di antara umat itu dan mezbah sambil menangis dan berdoa, "Sayangilah umat-Mu, ya TUHAN. Jangan biarkan mereka dikuasai oleh orang-orang yang tidak mengenal Allah, karena mereka milik-Mu. Jangan biarkan mereka dipermalukan oleh ejekan bangsa-bangsa kafir yang berkata, 'Di manakah Allah mereka? Betapa lemah dan tak berdayanya Dia!'"
TLHendaklah segala imam, yaitu khadim Tuhanpun, menangis antara serambi yang di hadapan dengan mezbah, sambil sembahnya: Ya Tuhan! sayangkan apalah umat-Mu, jangan bahagian-Mu pusaka Kauserahkan akan dicuca, sehingga orang kafir mengambil suatu perbahasaan akan halnya! mengapa di antara segala bangsa maka orang akan berkata demikian: Di manakah Allah mereka itu?
DRFT_SBHendaklah segala imam yang melayani Allah menangis antara serambi dengan tempat kurban serta berkata: "Ya Allah sayangilah akan kaum-Mu dan jangan pusaka-Mu diserahkan akan dicela sehingga ia diperintahkan oleh segala bangsa. Apa guna orang segala bangsa itu berkata: Di manakah Tuhannya?"
ENDEAntara Haluan dan mesbah hendaklah imam2 menangis, pelajan2 Jahwe, serta berkata: Relailah umatMu, ja Jahwe, djangan menjerahkan pusakaMu kepada penghinaan, sehingga kaum kafir menjindirkannja! Mengapa diantara bangsa2 akan dikatakan: Dimanakah Allah mereka?
TB_ITL_DRFbaiklah para imam <03548>, pelayan-pelayan <08334> TUHAN <03068>, menangis <01058> di antara <0996> balai <0197> depan dan mezbah <04196>, dan berkata <0559>: "Sayangilah <02347>, ya TUHAN <03068>, umat-Mu <05971>, dan janganlah <0408> biarkan <05414> milik-Mu <05159> sendiri menjadi cela <02781>, sehingga bangsa-bangsa <01471> menyindir <04910> kepada mereka <0>. Mengapa <04100> orang berkata <0559> di antara bangsa <05971>: Di mana <0346> Allah <0430> mereka?"
TL_ITL_DRFHendaklah segala imam <03548>, yaitu khadim <08334> Tuhanpun <03068>, menangis <01058> antara <0996> serambi <0197> yang di hadapan dengan mezbah <04196>, sambil sembahnya <0559>: Ya Tuhan <03068>! sayangkan <02347> apalah umat-Mu <05971>, jangan <0408> bahagian-Mu <05414> pusaka <05159> Kauserahkan <02781> akan dicuca <04910>, sehingga orang kafir <01471> mengambil suatu perbahasaan <02781> akan halnya <04910>! mengapa <04100> di antara segala bangsa <05971> maka <0559> orang <05971> akan berkata <0559> demikian: Di manakah <0346> Allah <0430> mereka itu?
AV#Let the priests <03548>, the ministers <08334> (8764) of the LORD <03068>, weep <01058> (8799) between the porch <0197> and the altar <04196>, and let them say <0559> (8799), Spare <02347> (8798) thy people <05971>, O LORD <03068>, and give <05414> (8799) not thine heritage <05159> to reproach <02781>, that the heathen <01471> should rule over <04910> (8800) them: wherefore should they say <0559> (8799) among the people <05971>, Where [is] their God <0430>? {rule over: or, use a byword against}
BBELet the priests, the servants of the Lord, be weeping between the covered way and the altar, and let them say, Have mercy on your people, O Lord, do not give up your heritage to shame, so that the nations become their rulers: why let them say among the peoples, Where is their God?
MESSAGEBetween Sanctuary entrance and altar, let the priests, GOD's servants, weep tears of repentance. Let them intercede: "Have mercy, GOD, on your people! Don't abandon your heritage to contempt. Don't let the pagans take over and rule them and sneer, 'And so where is this God of theirs?'"
NKJVLet the priests, who minister to the LORD, Weep between the porch and the altar; Let them say, "Spare Your people, O LORD, And do not give Your heritage to reproach, That the nations should rule over them. Why should they say among the peoples, `Where [is] their God?'"
GWVThe priests who serve the LORD cry between the altar and the entrance to the temple. They say, "Spare your people, O LORD. Don't let the people who belong to you become a disgrace. Don't let the nations ridicule them. Why should people ask, 'Where is their God?'"
NETLet the priests, those who serve the Lord, weep from the vestibule all the way back to the altar.* Let them say, “Have pity, O Lord, on your people; please do not turn over your inheritance to be mocked, to become a proverb* among the nations. Why should it be said* among the peoples, “Where is their God?”
NET2:17 Let the priests, those who serve the Lord, weep

from the vestibule all the way back to the altar.117

Let them say, “Have pity, O Lord, on your people;

please do not turn over your inheritance to be mocked,

to become a proverb118

among the nations.

Why should it be said119

among the peoples,

“Where is their God?”

The Lord’s Response

BHSSTR<0430> Mhyhla <0346> hya <05971> Mymeb <0559> wrmay <04100> hml <01471> Mywg <0> Mb <04910> lsml <02781> hprxl <05159> Ktlxn <05414> Ntt <0408> law <05971> Kme <05921> le <03068> hwhy <02347> howx <0559> wrmayw <03068> hwhy <08334> ytrsm <03548> Mynhkh <01058> wkby <04196> xbzmlw <0197> Mlwah <0996> Nyb (2:17)
LXXMana {<303> PREP} meson {<3319> A-ASN} thv {<3588> T-GSF} krhpidov {N-GSF} tou {<3588> T-GSN} yusiasthriou {<2379> N-GSN} klausontai {<2799> V-FMI-3P} oi {<3588> T-NPM} iereiv {<2409> N-NPM} oi {<3588> T-NPM} leitourgountev {<3008> V-PAPNP} kuriw {<2962> N-DSM} kai {<2532> CONJ} erousin {V-FAI-3P} feisai {<5339> V-AMD-2S} kurie {<2962> N-VSM} tou {<3588> T-GSM} laou {<2992> N-GSM} sou {<4771> P-GS} kai {<2532> CONJ} mh {<3165> ADV} dwv {<1325> V-AAS-2S} thn {<3588> T-ASF} klhronomian {<2817> N-ASF} sou {<4771> P-GS} eiv {<1519> PREP} oneidov {<3681> N-ASN} tou {<3588> T-GSN} katarxai {V-AAN} autwn {<846> D-GPM} eynh {<1484> N-APN} opwv {<3704> CONJ} mh {<3165> ADV} eipwsin {V-AAS-3P} en {<1722> PREP} toiv {<3588> T-DPN} eynesin {<1484> N-DPN} pou {<4225> ADV} estin {<1510> V-PAI-3S} o {<3588> T-NSM} yeov {<2316> N-NSM} autwn {<846> D-GPM}
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