huperetes <5257> - Greek Lexicon
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Word:uperethv huperetes
Origin:from 5259 and a derivative of eresso (to row)
Source:TDNT - 8:530,1231
Kind:n m
In AV:officer 11, minister 5, servant 4
 1) servant
   1a) an underrower, subordinate rower
   1b) any one who serves with hands: a servant
       1b1) in the NT of the officers and attendants of
            magistrates as -- of the officer who executes penalties
       1b2) of the attendants of a king, servants, retinue, the
            soldiers of a king, of the attendant of a synagogue
       1b3) of any one ministering or rendering service
   1c) any one who aids another in any work
       1c1) an assistant
       1c2) of the preacher of the gospel

 Sinonim   : Lihat Definisi 5834
                        dan 5928
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