bayith <1004> - Hebrew Lexicon
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Word:tyb bayith
Origin:probably from 01129 abbreviated
Source:TWOT - 241
Kind:n m, adv, prep
In AV:house 1881, household 54, home 25, within 22, temple 11, prison 16, place 16, family 3, families + 01 2, dungeon 2, misc 23
  n m
 1) house
    1a) house, dwelling habitation
    1b) shelter or abode of animals
    1c) human bodies (fig.)
    1d) of Sheol
    1e) of abode of light and darkness
    1f) of land of Ephraim
 2) place
 3) receptacle
 4) home, house as containing a family
 5) household, family
    5a) those belonging to the same household
    5b) family of descendants, descendants as organized body
 6) household affairs
 7) inwards (metaph.)
 8) (TWOT) temple

 9) on the inside

 10) within
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