katharos <2513> - Leksikon Yunani
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Kata:kayarov katharos
Asal Kata:of uncertain affinity
Sumber:TDNT - 3:413,381
Jenis Kata:adj
Dalam AV:pure 17, clean 10, clear 1
 1) clean, pure
    1a) physically
        1a1) purified by fire
        1a2) in a similitude, like a vine cleansed by pruning and so
             fitted to bear fruit
    1b) in a levitical sense
        1b1) clean, the use of which is not forbidden,
             imparts no uncleanness
    1c) ethically
        1c1) free from corrupt desire, from sin and guilt
        1c2) free from every admixture of what is false, sincere genuine
        1c3) blameless, innocent
        1c4) unstained with the guilt of anything

 Sinonim   : Lihat Definisi 5840
                        dan 5896
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