episkeptomai <1980> - Leksikon Yunani
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Kata:episkeptomai episkeptomai
Asal Kata:middle voice from 1909 and the base of 4649
Sumber:TDNT - 2:599,244
Jenis Kata:v
Dalam AV:visit 10, look out 1
 1) to look upon or after, to inspect, examine with the eyes
    1a) in order to see how he is, i.e. to visit, go to see one
        1a1) the poor and afflicted, the sick
    1b) to look upon in order to help or to benefit
        1b1) to look after, have care for, provide for: of God
    1c) to look (about) for, look out (one to choose, employ, etc.)
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