mishpat <4941> - Leksikon Ibrani
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Kata:jpvm mishpat
Asal Kata:from 08199
Sumber:TWOT - 2443c
Jenis Kata:n m
Dalam AV:judgment 296, manner 38, right 18, cause 12, ordinance 11, lawful 7, order 5, worthy 3, fashion 3, custom 2, discretion 2, law 2, measure 2, sentence 2, misc 18
 1) judgment, justice, ordinance
    1a) judgment
        1a1) act of deciding a case
        1a2) place, court, seat of judgment
        1a3) process, procedure, litigation (before judges)
        1a4) case, cause (presented for judgment)
        1a5) sentence, decision (of judgment)
        1a6) execution (of judgment)
        1a7) time (of judgment)
    1b) justice, right, rectitude (attributes of God or man)
    1c) ordinance
    1d) decision (in law)
    1e) right, privilege, due (legal)
    1f) proper, fitting, measure, fitness, custom, manner, plan
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