<5822> - Greek Lexicon
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    Lihat Definisi untuk blepo            991
    Lihat Definisi untuk horao           3708
    Lihat Definisi untuk skopeo          4648

 Bandingkan: 991, 3708

    3708 gives prominence to the discerning mind, 991 to the
    particular mood or point.  When the physical side recedes,
    3708 denotes perception in general (as resulting principally
    from vision), the prominence being in the mental element.
    991 on the other hand, when the physical side recedes, gets
    a purely outward sense.

 Bandingkan: 991, 4648

    4648 is more pointed than 991, often meaning "to scrutinize,
    observe". When the physical sense recedes, "to fix one's
    (mind's) eye on, direct one's attention to" a thing in order
    to get it, or owing to interest in it, or a duty towards it.
    Hence often the same as "to aim at, care for etc."
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