<5820> - Greek Lexicon
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    Lihat Definisi untuk bia              970
    Lihat Definisi untuk dunamis         1411
    Lihat Definisi untuk energeia        1753
    Lihat Definisi untuk exousia         1849
    Lihat Definisi untuk ischus          2479
    Lihat Definisi untuk kratos          2904

     970 - force, effective, often oppressive power exhibiting itself
           in single deeds of violence

    1411 - power, natural ability, general and inherent

    1753 - working, power in exercise, operative power

    1849 - primarily liberty of action; then authority -- either as
           delegated power, or as unrestrained, arbitrary power

    2479 - strength, power, (especially physical) as an endowment

    2904 - might, relative and manifested power -- in the NT chiefly
           of God
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