<5818> - Greek Lexicon
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    Lihat Definisi untuk bathmos          898
    Lihat Definisi untuk erchomai        2064
    Lihat Definisi untuk poreuomai       4198
    Lihat Definisi untuk choreo          5562

    2064 - denotes motion or progress generally, and of any sort,
           hence to "come" and arrive at, as well as "to go"

     898 - primarily signifies "to walk", "take steps", picturing the
           mode of motion; to "go away"

    4198 - expresses motion in general, often confined within certain
           limits, or giving prominence to the bearing; hence the
           regular word for the march of an army.

    5562 - always emphasises the idea of separation, change of place,
           and does not, like e.g. 4198, note the external and
           perceptible motion.
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