apo <575> - Greek Lexicon
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Word:apo apo
Origin:a primary particle
In AV:from 393, of 129, out of 48, for 10, off 10, by 9, at 9, in 6, since + 3739 5, on 5, not tr. 16, misc. 31
 1) of separation
    1a) of local separation, after verbs of motion from a place
        i.e. of departing, of fleeing, ...
    1b) of separation of a part from the whole
        1b1) where of a whole some part is taken
    1c) of any kind of separation of one thing from another by
        which the union or fellowship of the two is destroyed
    1d) of a state of separation, that is of distance
        1d1) physical, of distance of place
        1d2) temporal, of distance of time
 2) of origin
    2a) of the place whence anything is, comes, befalls, is taken
    2b) of origin of a cause
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