sunago <4863> - Greek Lexicon
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Word:sunagw sunago
Origin:from 4862 and 71
In AV:gather 15, be gathered together 12, gather together 9, come together 6, be gathered 4, be assembled 3, take in 3, misc 10
 1) to gather together, to gather
    1a) to draw together, collect
        1a1) of fishes
        1a2) of a net in which they are caught
 2) to bring together, assemble, collect
    2a) to join together, join in one (those previously separated)
    2b) to gather together by convoking
    2c) to be gathered i.e. come together, gather, meet
 3) to lead with one's self
    3a) into one's home, i.e. to receive hospitably, to entertain
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