kabad <3513> - Hebrew Lexicon
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Word:dbk kabad or dbk kabed
Pronunciation:kaw-bad' kaw-bade'
Origin:a primitive root
Source:TWOT - 943
In AV:honour 34, glorify 14, honourable 14, heavy 13, harden 7, glorious 5, sore 3, made heavy 3, chargeable 2, great 2, many 2, heavier 2, promote 2, misc 10
 1) to be heavy, be weighty, be grievous, be hard, be rich, be
    honourable, be glorious, be burdensome, be honoured
    1a) (Qal)
        1a1) to be heavy
        1a2) to be heavy, be insensible, be dull
        1a3) to be honoured
    1b) (Niphal)
        1b1) to be made heavy, be honoured, enjoy honour, be made abundant
        1b2) to get oneself glory or honour, gain glory
    1c) (Piel)
        1c1) to make heavy, make dull, make insensible
        1c2) to make honourable, honour, glorify
    1d) (Pual) to be made honourable, be honoured
    1e) (Hiphil)
        1e1) to make heavy
        1e2) to make heavy, make dull, make unresponsive
        1e3) to cause to be honoured
    1f) (Hithpael)
        1f1) to make oneself heavy, make oneself dense, make oneself
        1f2) to honour oneself
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